It’s springtime and your first time spent outside is disrupted by a large bee diving at your head. How rude!
This can be scary, but if it’s a Carpenter Bee (think of a jumbo honey bee), you are most likely not going to be stung. In fact, the male Carpenter Bee has no…
There are three varieties of ticks in Virginia that we need to be especially cautious of because of their ability to transmit disease. These particular parasites are the American Dog tick, the Lonestar tick and the Deer tick.
These ticks have the ability to vector and transmit to people Rocky Mountain spotted fever, tularemia, Lyme…
Types of Ticks to Look for in Virginia
There are three types of ticks in Virginia that we need to be especially cautious of because of their ability to transmit disease. These particular parasites are the American Dog tick, the Lonestar tick and the Deer tick.
These ticks have the ability…