Types of Ticks to Look for in Virginia
There are three types of ticks in Virginia that we need to be especially cautious of because of their ability to transmit disease. These particular parasites are the American Dog tick, the Lonestar tick and the Deer tick.
These ticks have the ability to vector and transmit to people Rocky Mountain spotted fever, tularemia, Lyme disease, ehrlichiosis, southern tick-associated rash illness, heartland disease, and tick-bite induced red meat allergy. It some rare cases even paralysis if bitten near the neck .
Ticks are hitch hikers which mostly come from within the deep woods. However they also penetrate our outdoor living areas through smaller animals like squirrels, birds, rabbits, moles and voles. This is because the American Dog and Lonestar ticks are 3-host ticks which require larger and larger animals or humans to feed on as they develop into adults.
Life Cycle & Reproduction
Female ticks can lay 3,000 to 6,500 eggs in a sheltered location outside. A tick can become fully developed from an egg to adult within three months. This process can be prolonged for up to 2 years as ticks are remarkably resistant to starvation. Unfed adults (blood meal) can live for 2 to 3 years.
Take Preventative Measures
Because ticks cannot survive for long indoors, outdoor control is necessary. It is important to clean up debris and excess ground cover as this will discourage rodent and other small animal activity. Ticks will harbor and quest in areas such as high grass and weeded areas. They will wait for a host animal or human. From the ground level and up to several feet off the ground is where most ticks are waiting for a new host to feed on. A preventive measure to take would be to cut back these areas.
When you are outdoors and in areas where the conditions are conducive to ticks, you should wear light colored clothing that is both long-sleeved shirt and pants. You should also treat clothing and skin with repellents. Pets who spend time outdoors should have proper tick protection to prevent transmitting these pests indoors.
Get Professional Help
Professional control methods like those offered by Vine & Branch Pest Control Solutions are the best way to prevent tick infestations on your property. Vine & Branch offers an Outdoor Pest Control Solution called “Outdoor Liberty”. Our method provides long-lasting control that are effective and is safe for people and pets. Book Online Today or Contact Us for a Free Inspection 804-324-4550. We Can’t Wait to Serve You www.vineandbranchpestcontrol.com.